DevLog - Version 0.001 POC (Proof of Concept) Week 4

Week 4 - May 7th

  1. Edwin - SpawnManager and Spawn Controller
    1. Allowing Player 1 and Player 2 to spawn into the game scene. 
  2. Edwin - using Scriptable object tested using images for Character Selection Menu 
    1. Displaying Name and Model
  3. Brendon - Working on Player Arena - Animation/Models (2nd Draft)
  4. Edwin - Created the Draft of the Pause Menu and updated Pause Codes
  5. Mike - troubleshooting Player 1 Controls and interaction with other Entity
  6. Mike  -  Implementing a Health System on Player 1 and Player 2
  7. Mike  - Creating the Player Attack interactions and Controls
  8. Mike  - Implementing the Damage system. 
  9. Mike - creating the Player 2 Controls and Animations
  10. Brendon - Implementing the CutScenes required for Win/Lose
  11. Edwin - Implementing the Character Selection Menu with Prefabs Dummies provided by Mike
  12. Edwin - Created the Final Draft Code for the Main Menu and Character Selection Menu
  13. Edwin - integrating the Main Menu with the Character Selection Menu and GameScene

We explore the use and building of our knowledge of the Health System and Damage system in Unity. Furthermore, exploring more of the player input system. Streamlining the issues with input on a keyboard versus on a controller. Additionally, animation logic and colliders interactions. Especially, the Player's rigid body interaction with another player's rigid body.

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